The above image is in the sRGB color
space. Depending upon your output device, you may need to perform a
transformation on the image. The transformation would be from sRGB to a
device independent color space such as CIELAB and then from the device
independent color space to the device dependent values of your output device
that produce those CIELAB values (if your device can create those values -- see
Color Device Gamut ).
Once you have properly displayed the image,
Image (a) is the commonly used Lena image as it often appears in image
processing journals (as a color image). Image (b) is from my desktop scan
of an originally published Lena image. Image (c) is the corrected version
of image (b), creating a close approximation to the originally published Lena
For further information,
please see:
J. Vrhel and H. J. Trussell, "Color
Device Calibration: A Mathematical Formulation," IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 1796-1806, Dec. 1999.